Terms and Conditions
Last updated: July 4, 2024
These ‘Software As A Service’ (SaaS) terms (“terms”) set out terms and conditions binding on letsbloom and customer in respect of services provided by letsbloom.
The letsbloom Platform as a Service (PaaS), letsbloom Marketplace, mobile applications and the sites these are made available from (collectively, “letsbloom Platform”) are owned and operated by letsbloom Pte. Ltd.
“We”, “our,” and “us” refer to letsbloom. “You”, “Customer” and “your” refer to the User and/ or his/her/its Authorized Representative, specifically defined below, as applicable.
Your use of the letsbloom Platform is governed by these Terms and Conditions and our Privacy Policy, as amended from time to time. Your use of the letsbloom Platform constitutes your acceptance of these Terms and Conditions. This is an electronic contract and does not require any physical or digital signatures. You accessing, accepting, browsing, or using offerings on letsbloom Platform will constitute your acceptance to these terms together our Privacy Policy unless otherwise expressly communicated to us and accepted by letsbloom.
These Terms of Use take effect when you click an “I Accept” button or check box presented with these terms or, if earlier, when you use any part of the letsbloom Platform. You represent to us that you are lawfully able to comprehend and accept these Terms and Conditions and if you are entering into these Terms and Conditions for an entity, such as your employer, you represent to us that you have legal authority to bind that entity.
You confirm that any person who uses your login credentials is authorized to access and use the letsbloom Platform and act on your behalf and acts in complete awareness of these Terms and Conditions in its entirety together with our Privacy Policy.
By accessing the website or using the letsbloom Platform, the User agrees that the User and the Authorized Representative have read and understood, and agrees to be bound by these Terms and Conditions, our Privacy Policy (Terms) and any applicable Third Party Terms (defined below) (together, ‘this Agreement’ or ‘These Terms and Conditions’). It is important to read the entire Agreement carefully as some of the provisions affect your legal rights and obligations.
Further, if you are accessing letsbloom Platform through the Mobile Application, then while these Terms shall apply to such use, there may be additional terms (such as the terms imposed by App Store (iOS), Android's (Google) Play Store, Microsoft's store, from time to time which will govern the use of Mobile Application. These additional terms to the extent applicable are hereby deemed to be incorporated in these Terms by way of reference.
You may not use the letsbloom Platform if you do not accept the terms of this Agreement. If you do not agree to be bound by these Terms and the Privacy Policy, you should not use the Website and our platform. It is strongly recommended for you to return to this page periodically and review the most current version of the Terms in force. letsbloom reserves the right at any time, at its sole discretion, to change or otherwise modify the Terms without prior notice, and your continued access or use of this Website and letsbloom Platform signifies your assent/ratification of the updated or modified Terms. If you object to these Terms or any subsequent modifications to these Terms in any way, your only recourse is to immediately terminate use of the Website and Platform. We may require you to agree to additional terms (if any) between you and letsbloom in connection with specific services that you may avail from us from time to time.
1. Definitions
1.1. In these Terms, the following words and expressions shall have the meanings set out hereunder unless the context otherwise requires:
- “Account” means an account including user ID (email), password and MFA used to access the platform that the Customer, the Company Administrator, or the Customer User may use to access the Application Portal, the Website, or any aspect of the Services or offerings of letsbloom or letsbloom Platform.
- “Agreement” means these Terms and Conditions, the applicable Country Addendum (where applicable, and if any), all documents and supplementary terms issued by letsbloom incorporating such amendments and variations as may be effected by letsbloom from time to time in accordance with any of the provisions hereof, and any other agreements which the Customer may have with letsbloom including terms and conditions which are or may be prescribed by letsbloom from time to time in respect of certain Accounts and/or the Services or any of the letsbloom offerings.
- “Applicable Laws” means all statutes, laws, rules, regulations, directives, circulars, notices (whether of governmental body or authority or self-regulatory organisations in relation to which letsbloom is a member or otherwise), whether in or outside the jurisdiction of Singapore, India, European Union, Australia or other relevant jurisdictions which are applicable to letsbloom and/or the Customer and/or to which letsbloom and/or the Customer is subject.
- “Application” means any application made available by letsbloom operating through the Application Portal.
- “Application Portal” means an application portal system made available by letsbloom from time to time enabling the Customer to utilise the Application either via website, or through an mobile application or through other installable software made available by letsbloom.
- “Application Software” means all software used for the purpose of the provision to the Customer of the Services.
- “Business Day” means a day on which letsbloom is open for business in the country in which it operates or in the relevant jurisdiction depending upon the nature of services offered to the Customer.
- “Company Administrator” means the person appointed by the Customer to administer and control the access and use of the Application Portal and/or the Services by the Company Users on behalf of the Customer.
- “Company User” means a person authorised by the Customer and/or the Company Administrator to perform day-to-day transactions on behalf of the Customer.
- “Country Addendum” means the additional and specific terms applicable in the country or region in which letsbloom provides the Services, if any.
- “Customer” means the person who accepts and enters into these Terms and Conditions.
- “Customer User” means any of the Company Administrators and Company Users or any combination thereof, who is/are authorised by the Customer from time to time to access and use the Application Portal on behalf of the Customer.
- “Equipment” means any electronic, wireless, communication, transmission or telecommunications equipment, device or medium including but not limited to the Internet, any computer or mobile equipment, device, terminal or system which may be required to access and use the Services.
- “Instruction” means any request, authorisation or instruction sent, given or transmitted to letsbloom. Unless otherwise specified by letsbloom, such Instruction must be transmitted through the Application Portal.
- “letsbloom” means LETSBLOOM PTE. LTD. an entity incorporated under the laws of Singapore, together with SC Ventures by Standard Chartered Bank together with each of its subsidiary undertaking and its affiliates. Usually this means the entity contracting to provide the Services to the Customer.
- “Letsbloom offerings” means and include security and Compliance Observability, OmniCloud Manager - Management & Deployment of secure & compliant infrastructure and will also extend to all application and/or services provided by letsbloom through the application portal or otherwise.
- “Loss” means any and all injuries, liabilities, losses (including indirect and consequential losses), damages, costs, charges and/or expenses of whatsoever nature or however arising, including legal fees on a full indemnity basis.
- “Officer” includes any director, officer, employee, consultant, or representative of letsbloom.
- “Password” means any number, password or other names, phrases, symbols or codes, whether issued or assigned by letsbloom to a Customer User or to you or otherwise selected by a Customer User or by you, to enable him to access any Account and/or to utilise the Services on behalf of or for the Customer and includes any other number, password, name, phrase, symbol or code issued, assigned or selected in replacement thereof. letsbloom may also include Multi factor authentication from certain section of its customers.
- “Privacy Policy” means the Privacy Policy provided at.
- “Services” means letsbloom offerings and services offered to via its Platform or other facility, product or service provided by letsbloom to the Customer using the Application Portal.
- “Third Party Service Offerings” means any services that letsbloom offers that rely on third-parties including but not limited to commercial or open-source SaaS services, code, libraries or services.
- “Third Party Service Providers” mean service providers who are onboarded on the Platform and from whom the Users can avail the Third Party Service Offerings.
- “Third Party Terms” shall mean the additional terms and conditions that the User may have to agree separately with the Third Party Service Providers to avail any Third Party Service Offerings from time to time.
- “User Data” means any data submitted by User or collected by letsbloom on behalf of the User, to or in relation to letsbloom Services or Commerce Offerings or Third Party Service Offerings, including Personal Information and Sensitive Personal Information, as mentioned in the Privacy Policy.
- “User ID” means the identification characters or numbers (whether or not alpha-numeric) issued and assigned by letsbloom to the Customer or otherwise selected by the Customer or subsequently selected by a Customer User to access the Application Portal and the Services and for the purpose of enabling letsbloom to verify and authenticate the identity of such Customer User for its access to the Application Portal and the Services and includes any other characters or numbers so assigned or selected in replacement thereof.
- “Website” means the website presently located at www.letsbloom.io (or any replacement or successor domain name), and includes any website operated and/or maintained by or for letsbloom from time to time and at any time in future.
1.2. The headings or titles to the provisions of these Terms are to facilitate reference and shall not be referred to or relied upon in the construction of any provision of these Terms.
1.3. Where the context so admits, the singular shall include the plural and words in the masculine gender shall include the feminine gender and/or neutral gender and vice-versa.
1.4. The rights of letsbloom with respect to any matter conferred under any provision of these Terms shall be additional to the rights conferred under any other agreement with respect to the same matter.
1.5. Any reference to a person in these Terms includes any natural person or any firm, association of persons, corporation, or entity.
1.6. Any reference to a party in these Terms shall include a reference to his successors in title and permitted assignees.
1.7. These Terms and Conditions may be amended in accordance with its terms from time to time and is in addition to any other agreements which the Customer may have with letsbloom including terms and conditions which are or may be prescribed by letsbloom from time to time in respect of certain Accounts and/or Services and such agreements and terms and conditions shall be considered an integral part of these Terms and Conditions.
2. Applicability
These Terms, together other supporting documents that incorporates these Terms, shall constitute an agreement between the Customer and letsbloom (collectively the “Parties” and each a “Party”) and shall be considered an integral part of the Agreement. The Agreement shall apply to all Accounts and Services that the Customer has requested or applied for, or currently maintains or utilises, or may subsequently open or establish with letsbloom from time to time.
In the event of any conflict between any of the provisions of these Terms and Conditions and any of the provisions of the Agreement, then, to the extent of such conflict, the documents will be given a descending order of precedence as follows: (i) these Terms and Conditions; (ii) Country Addendum, if any (iii) policies and guidelines issued by letsbloom; (iv) the order form document outlining the Scope of Work; and (v) any other document constituting the Agreement.
Notwithstanding anything to the contrary herein, the terms of the Agreement shall not affect or diminish in any way the rights of letsbloom referred to or set out in the Website, including, but not limited to any and all exclusions, disclaimers and limitations of liabilities of letsbloom, referred to or set out at the letsbloom website.
3. Services
letsbloom shall make available the Services to the Customer. As letsbloom strives to constantly enhance the performance and range of its Services, letsbloom may, without notice to the Customer, modify the range and selection of the Services. The Customer agrees that it has no legitimate expectation as to the range and selection of the Services, as well as the time period for which such Services are provided.
4. Third Party Providers
letsbloom Platform is built on public cloud providers and open source platforms, including Amazon Web Services (AWS), Microsoft Azure (Azure) and Google Cloud Platform (GCP), whose respective customer agreements are incorporated into these Terms and Conditions by reference. You acknowledge and agree that you have read these Terms and Conditions and agree to be bound by them as amended from time to time:
5. letsbloom Marketplace and letsbloom platform
5.1. For each and every app that you deploy from the letsbloom Marketplace, you acknowledge and agree that you have read that app’s customer agreement and agree to be bound by it, and it is incorporated into these Terms and Conditions by reference.
5.2. With respect to the letsbloom’s marketplace offerings, the same are merely an online platform and letsbloom only acts as an intermediary to enable Users and the Third Party Service Providers to interact with each other for their transactions and for availing the Third Party Service Offerings provided herein. You hereby agree and accept that letsbloom is not and shall not be a party to any agreements entered into or executed between the Users and Third Party Service Providers. Further, you agree that letsbloom has no control over the conduct of any Third Party Service Providers or their Third Party Service Offerings and disclaims any and all liability in this regard to the maximum extent permitted by applicable law.
5.3. letsbloom Platform is provided on an “as is” and “as available” basis and letsbloom makes no warranty, promise, representation or guarantee as to: (i) the letsbloom Platform being of satisfactory quality or fit for a particular purpose or producing any particular result or investment outcome; (ii) security, reliability, performance, timeliness and availability of the letsbloom Platform; or (iii) correctness or accuracy or completeness of the content provided within or via the letsbloom Platform.
5.4. All warranties, representations or other assurance, whether express or implied, regarding the letsbloom Platform are expressly excluded to the fullest extent permissible by law.
5.5. The material and information contained on the letsbloom platform or the letsbloom Marketplace is provided for general information only. letsbloom makes no representation or warranty of any kind, whether express, implied or statutory regarding the material and information contained or referred to on the website and Platform.
5.6. letsbloom’s provision of third party apps on the letsbloom Marketplace or inclusion of hyperlinks anywhere in the letsbloom Platform does not imply any endorsement such apps or of the material on such hyperlinked sites. Any hyperlink exists for information purposes and are for your convenience only.
5.7. letsbloom is not responsible for the contents of third party websites. If you visit third party websites, then your rights and obligations while accessing and using those sites will be governed by the agreements and policies relating to use of those third party sites.
5.8. letsbloom is not responsible for third party apps on the letsbloom Marketplace. letsbloom makes no representation or warranty of any kind, whether express, implied or statutory regarding the third party apps on the letsbloom Marketplace.
6. Personal Data
You shall not disclose your personal data to letsbloom beyond the minimum personal data requested by letsbloom to activate your account with letsbloom. You shall not use the letsbloom Platform to store your or your employer’s customer data. Please refer to our Privacy Policy, which is incorporated into these Terms and Conditions by reference. You agree to abide by our Privacy Policy in its entirety.
7. Authorisation to Disclose Information
7.1. The Customer expressly and irrevocably authorises and permits letsbloom and each of its Officers: to disclose or use, without incurring any liability of whatsoever nature but subject to applicable personal data protection laws, any and all of the particulars and information relating to the Customer and the Customer Users (the Customer shall be responsible for obtaining the Customer Users’ consent to such disclosure or use) at any time and from time to time to any corporation which is deemed to be a related corporation of letsbloom by virtue of the Singapore Companies Act 1967 or other Applicable Laws;
7.2. Any Customer Affiliate which accesses and utilises the Application Portal and the Services; all courts, governmental agencies and lawful authorities in Singapore and elsewhere where the disclosure is required by Applicable Laws;
7.3. any person which letsbloom or any Officer in good faith considers to be appropriate for the purpose of providing the Services, including any agents, contractors or third-party service provider which have agreed to perform works or services for letsbloom in connection with and which affect or may affect the operation of the Service or Application Portal;
7.4. any person in connection with the provision by letsbloom of any service to the Customer or any person who owns, operates, provides or maintains any part of any Equipment relevant to the provision of the Application Portal or any Service;
7.5. any guarantor or surety of any indebtedness, liability or obligation of the Customer, including any person who provides any security to letsbloom for any such indebtedness, liability or obligation;
7.6. any depository system with the purposes of storing or transferring such information to letsbloom; letsbloom’s professional advisors; or any other person at any time where the particulars of any Account were inadvertently divulged, revealed or disclosed to or accessed by such person through no wilful default or gross negligence of letsbloom or its relevant Officer(s).
7.7. For the purposes of this Clause 7, “Customer Affiliate” means any person, body corporate, partnership, firm or other entity: (i) in which the Customer directly or indirectly owns more than half the capital or business assets, or which directly or indirectly owns more than half the capital or business assets of the Customer; or (ii) in which the Customer directly or indirectly has the power to exercise fifty percent (50%) or more of the voting rights in such entity, or which directly or indirectly has the power to exercise fifty percent (50%) or more of the voting rights in the Customer; or (iii) in which the Customer directly or indirectly has the legal power to direct or cause the direction or general management or affairs of the entity in question, or which directly or indirectly has the legal power to direct or cause the direction or general management or affairs of the Customer; or (iv) in which the Customer directly or indirectly has the power to appoint more than half the members of the supervisory board, board of directors or bodies legally representing such entity, or which directly or indirectly has the power to appoint more than half the members of the supervisory board, board of directors or bodies legally representing the Customer; or (v) in which the Customer directly or indirectly has the right to manage the business of such entity, or which directly or indirectly has the right to manage the business of the Customer. Any third party and outsourcing providers used by the Customers will also be subjected to this clause.
7.8. The provisions of Clause 7 are in addition to any other authorisations and consents given by the Customer to letsbloom with respect to the use and/or disclosure of information relating to the Customer, any Customer User, any Service or Account or any Instruction.
8. Password Protection
8.1. It is the responsibility of the Customer to ensure an acceptable level of Password and User ID security.
8.2. The Customer undertakes to procure that no person shall be permitted or shall have access or knowledge of any User ID or Password of any Customer User except for such Customer User.
8.3. That each Customer User shall keep confidential and not divulge to any person the User ID and/or Password of such Customer User; shall memorise that User ID and Password and shall not leave the paper trails about the password and credentials; shall immediately notify letsbloom after such Customer User has reason to believe or suspect that any person may have acquired knowledge of that User ID and/or Password.
8.4. letsbloom shall be entitled to rely on and treat any Instruction made, submitted or effected pursuant to the entry or use of the User ID and/or the Password of any Customer User as having been made, submitted or effected by that Customer User for and on behalf of the Customer, unless letsbloom has received sufficient advance notice of the disclosure or unauthorised use of the User ID and/or Password from the Customer or that Customer User in such form and by such means as letsbloom may deem satisfactory, and letsbloom is given sufficient amount of time in advance of such Instruction as letsbloom would reasonably require (having regard to all prevailing circumstances at the time) to enable it to take appropriate action to prevent such Instruction from being received, acted upon and implemented.
9. Security
9.1. Customer acknowledges that misuse of the Application Portal may lead to disruption of services to letsbloom’s other customers and their operations. The Customer agrees to comply with and to procure that the Customer Users comply with these Terms and Conditions and comply with any instructions or recommendations letsbloom may issue to the Customer regarding security in relation to the use of Application Portal and the Services.
9.2. The Customer acknowledges that security is a paramount concern in its access to and use of the Application Portal and/or the Services and agrees that it is solely responsible for the set-up, maintenance, and review of its security arrangements concerning access to and use of the Application Portal and the Services, its Equipment and information stored therein, and the Customer’s and any of the Customer Users’ control of their User IDs, Passwords, and access to the Application Portal and/or the Services; and
9.3. for the Instructions and/or the transactions made or effected, or purported to be made or effected, by the Customer or the Customer Users.
9.4. The Customer bears the risk of any unauthorised use and/or access to the Application Portal and/or the Services, its Equipment and information stored therein, User ID, and/or Passwords.
9.5. The Customer and/or the Customer Users must notify letsbloom immediately, if the Customer or any Customer User knows of or suspects any unauthorised access to the Application Portal and/or the Services or any unauthorised transaction or Instruction, or if the Customer suspects someone else knows the User ID and Passwords of one or more of the Customer Users. In the event of any such breach or suspected breach of security, the Customer must ensure that all the Customer Users change their Passwords immediately. The Customer agrees to comply immediately with all reasonable requests for assistance from letsbloom and/or the authorities (including the police, law enforcement, among others) in trying to recover any losses or identify actual or potential breaches of security.
9.6. If a Customer User is leaving the employment of the Customer or is no longer authorised or instructed by the Customer to utilise the Application Portal and/or the Services for any reason whatsoever, or if the Customer suspects any impropriety on the part of any Customer User in connection with the use of the Application Portal and/or the Services, then the Customer must immediately inform letsbloom of the aforesaid eventuality; take all steps to ensure that the Customer User is replaced; and prevent further access to the Application Portal and/or the Services, including but not limited to submitting a request or Instruction to letsbloom to revoke the Customer User’s User ID and Password.
9.7. The Customer hereby requests and authorises letsbloom from time to time, without further authority or notice required from the Customer, to act upon any request or Instruction to re-set any User ID, Password; and/or specify the mode of which the Customer can make such request or Instruction. In addition, the Customer agrees that letsbloom shall not be liable to the Customer or any third party for any Loss or damage suffered by the Customer or any third party arising from any such request or Instruction being unauthorised or fraudulent or otherwise.
9.8. The Customer shall comply with the applicable authentication methods or any other methods implemented by letsbloom from time to time.
10. Other Customer Obligations
10.1. The Customer shall not, and shall procure that the Customer Users shall not, use or disclose any material and/or information on the Website pertaining to the Application Portal and/or the Services save for that pertaining to the access and use of the Application and/or the Services. The Customer further undertakes (and procures that each Customer User undertakes) not to reproduce, sell, distribute or in any way whatsoever allow any third party to access the aforesaid material and/or information provided by letsbloom on or via the Application Portal.
10.2. The copyright in and to the content of the Website (save for information pertinent to the Customer’s Account(s)) is owned by or licensed for use by letsbloom. No part of such content may be reproduced, distributed, published, modified, displayed, broadcasted, hyperlinked, or transmitted in any manner, or otherwise stored in an information retrieval system by any means, without the prior written consent of letsbloom. The trade and service marks displayed on the Website are the sole and exclusive property of letsbloom and/or other relevant third parties. No right or licence is given for any reproduction or use of any such trade and service marks.
10.3. If the Customer (or any of the Customer Users) receives or retrieves any data or information from the Application Portal or through using an application or services that is not intended for the Customer, the Customer shall immediately notify (and procure such Customer User to notify) letsbloom of such receipt or retrieval of such data or information, and delete and destroy (and procure the deletion and destruction of) such data or information.
10.4. The Customer shall respond promptly to all enquiries and communications from letsbloom regarding the Application Portal, the Application and/or the Services.
10.5. The Customer shall ensure that any person appointed by the Customer as the Customer User has sufficient knowledge and skill to properly operate and maintain all Equipment and software installed or used by the Customer, to enable the Customer to access and utilise the Application and the Services; every Customer User acquires full and complete knowledge of all features and settings of all Application Software before that Customer User commences utilising the Application or any Service; and every Customer User shall competently and properly operate and maintain all such Equipment and software referred to in this clause in accordance with the requirements of the Customer and such procedures and requirements as may be stipulated from time to time by letsbloom with respect to the Application or any Service.
10.6. The Customer shall not, and shall ensure that every Customer User shall not, use the Application or the Services in a manner that is, or may be perceived as, a breach of Applicable Laws, including without limitation, the conduct of: (i) making nuisance calls to emergency telephone numbers; and (ii) sending telemarketing messages.
10.7. The Customer acknowledges and agrees that as part of the Services, notices may be sent from time to time to the Customer through various electronic mediums including but not limited to emails and text messages making use of the messaging services (SMS) and other messaging apps including but not limited to WhatsApp, WeChat, signal, viber, etc.
10.8. The Customer shall be responsible for configuring and testing its Equipment and the settings on the Application Portal for receiving notices from letsbloom. letsbloom shall not be liable to the Customer or any third party for any Loss, suffered by the Customer or such third party, caused by or arising from any inaccurate or incomplete content in these notices or non-delivery or delayed delivery of any such notices.
11. Fees
11.1. All fees and rates of charges for the provision of the Services will be agreed between letsbloom and you. The Customer shall pay letsbloom all such fees and charges upfront unless otherwise specificially agreed, on the specified invoice date (“Invoice Date”) in such manner prescribed by letsbloom, unless otherwise agreed by letsbloom. If the Customer requests any additional services for other matters or transactions, additional fees and rates of charges may apply and shall be paid by the Customer in accordance with this Clause.
11.2. letsbloom shall be entitled to charge the Customer goods and services, value added and other similar taxes imposed by Applicable Laws on any fees and charges payable by the Customer to letsbloom under these Terms and Conditions.
11.3. The Customer shall reimburse letsbloom for all disbursements, costs and expenses incurred by it in connection with the execution or implementation of all Instructions; and such other matters or transactions as it may determine and agree with the Customer from time to time.
11.4. Where deemed appropriate, letsbloom may collect in advance a reasonable amount from the Customer to cover such disbursements, costs and expenses which letsbloom expects to incur for the provision of the Services. Where such amount is requested from letsbloom, the Customer shall pay such amount promptly to avoid interruption of the Services.
11.5. In the event of any dispute over the invoiced amount, the Customer shall make payment in full of such invoice and letsbloom will refund the excess funds (if any) to the Customer only upon satisfactory resolution of such dispute between the Parties.
11.6. In the event that payment for an invoice is not received within thirty (30) days of the Invoice Date, letsbloom shall be entitled to suspend provision of the Services and/or the Application Portal to the Customer until all sums due are paid in full; and charge a penalty fee for late payment at letsbloom’s discretion on such unpaid amount from the date that the amount is due until the date that it is paid in full.
11.7. If the Customer disagrees with or questions any amount due under an invoice submitted by letsbloom, the Customer must communicate such disagreement or objection to letsbloom, in writing, within ten (10) days of such Invoice Date. The Customer will be deemed to have waived any claim if no disagreement or objection was made within that period. All fees received are non-refundable. letsbloom may charge additional fees for exceptions in processing, setup, and other special services (including optional add-on services requested by the Customer).
11.8. letsbloom reserves the right to revise the fees and/or charges for its Services from time to time. The Customer will be notified of any change to any or all existing fees and/or charges at least thirty (30) days before the change goes into effect. If a fee or charge increase is not acceptable to the Customer, the Customer may cancel the Service(s) prior to the time when such fee or charge increase takes effect. The Customer’s continued use of the Service(s) beyond the cancellation window constitutes the Customer’s agreement to the revised fee(s) and/or charge(s).
11.9. In the event the Customer elects to terminate the Services and does not satisfy all notice requirements set out in these Terms and Conditions or a specific Agreement entered with the Customer by letsbloom, the Customer is liable to pay an amount equivalent to the expenses incurred by letsbloom for providing the customer with letsbloom offerings and such other amount towards compensation as determined by letsbloom and notified to the Customer (“Early Termination Fee”). The Early Termination Fee shall be due for payment one (1) week before the Customer’s last day of using the Services, Platform or the Application Portal, whichever the earlier (“Deemed Termination Date”).
11.10. In the event the Customer elects to terminate the Services and satisfies all notice requirements set out in these Terms and Conditions, there shall be no Early Termination Fee.
11.11. In all cases, the Customer shall pay letsbloom’s invoices in full, including for any penalty fees charged, within one (1) month from the Deemed Termination Date or the specified payment date of a letsbloom invoice, whichever the earlier.
11.12. Upon termination of the Services, on a case-by-case basis and at letsbloom’s sole and absolute discretion, letsbloom may reimburse the Customer such portion of fees that the Customer has paid in advance in accordance with letsbloom’s prevailing refund policy. letsbloom’s refund policy will be available upon request and may be amended from time to time.
11.13. In connection with the termination of the Services, prior to the last day of each relevant Service period or after the expiry of such period, the Customer will cooperate fully with letsbloom to enable and facilitate letsbloom to transfer all data, records, files and other information received or processed by letsbloom (if any) residing within any equipment in letsbloom’s premise, or is otherwise within letsbloom’s control, as soon as practicable (but in any case no longer than one (1) month).
12. Variation, Suspension, Termination of Services
12.1. The Application Portal may be suspended or terminated by letsbloom pursuant to the relevant provisions in this Clause at any time either with respect to any Application, Service or any service or facility provided through the Application Portal or generally, without any prior notice to the Customer. The Application Portal may be varied by letsbloom at any time either with respect to any Service or any service or facility provided through the Application Portal or generally, by giving notice thereof to the Customer.
12.2. The Customer may terminate the Services by giving letsbloom at least thirty (30) days’ prior written notice except where a longer or shorter notice period is otherwise notified by letsbloom to the Customer or agreed between letsbloom and the Customer in respect of the termination of a particular Service.
12.3. letsbloom may terminate these Terms and any or all other parts of these Terms and Conditions with immediate effect by notice to the Customer if the Customer commits a breach of these Terms and Conditions; the Customer breaches any Applicable Laws; the Customer, under Applicable Laws: (i) becomes or is deemed insolvent; (ii) becomes or is deemed unable to pay its debts; (iii) files for winding up or has been ordered to be wound up pursuant to a court order; (iv) has a receiver, liquidator, provisional liquidator, or administrator appointed over any of its assets or undertakings; (v) enters into an arrangement with any creditors or class of creditors; or (vi) enters into judicial management; or (vii) the Customer ceases to carry on its business.
12.4. Termination shall be without prejudice to any rights of either Party which may have accrued up to the date of such termination and the rights to terminate these Terms and Conditions are not intended to be exclusive but shall be in addition to every other remedy or right now or hereafter existing.
12.5. The Customer must not and must ensure that the Customer Users and its employees, agents, or representatives must not, do any act or thing after the end of the term of the Agreement which will result in the system or security of the Application Portal or the systems or securities of any other application portal customers to be compromised.
12.6. Where the Customer utilises any Service or any other service or facility provided through the Application Portal, the Customer shall be deemed to have agreed to all the terms and conditions relating to the provision of such Service or such other service or facility which are then imposed by letsbloom for providing such Service or such other service or facility.
12.7. The Application Portal’s operation hours are subject to change without prior notice to the Customer. letsbloom shall use reasonable endeavours to ensure that the Application Portal is available during the times set out on the Application Portal or elsewhere, provided that nothing herein shall be considered or be deemed as a warranty by letsbloom that the Application Portal will be available (whether uninterrupted or available at all) during such specified times. letsbloom may, at its sole and absolute discretion, take any action to ensure that letsbloom complies with Applicable Laws, including without limitation: (i) remove any non-compliant Customer User from the Website, Application, Application Portal, Services, or Application Software; (ii) suspend the Services until letsbloom determines that letsbloom can continue to perform its obligations under the Agreement without violating any Applicable Laws; (iii) terminate the Services with no written notice if reasonably necessary to avoid non-compliance; and (iv) take any other action advised by legal counsel (including, without limitation, modifying the Services) to avoid non-compliance with Applicable Laws.
12.8. If any action is taken by letsbloom under this Clause, all charges, fees, expenses that would have been payable to letsbloom, if not for the suspension or non-performance of the Services, shall continue to be payable to letsbloom, notwithstanding letsbloom’s suspension or non-performance of the Services.
13. Intellectual Property Rights
13.1. All rights (including, but not limited to, copyright) in and to the contents (including, but not limited to, trademarks, text, graphics, images, links and sounds) contained on the letsbloom Platform is owned by or licensed to letsbloom or our affiliates, and may not, unless expressly permitted, be copied, modified, downloaded, distributed or published in any way without the prior written consent of letsbloom, our affiliates, or licensors, as the case may be. If any content on the letsbloom Platform is permitted for use, you shall comply with all terms and conditions, guidelines, or restrictions that apply to that content.
13.2. “letsbloom”, “letsbloom Marketplace” and the letsbloom logo are trademarks, logos and service marks of letsbloom and no permission or licence is granted to use any such trademarks, logos or service marks without the prior written consent of letsbloom.
13.3. In relation to any information or material you submit to letsbloom using the letsbloom Platform and/or to our social media accounts, you hereby grant to letsbloom or other members of the Standard Chartered Bank Group a worldwide, royalty-free, perpetual, irrevocable, sub-licensable right and licence to use such information or material for any purpose it deems appropriate, including without limitation, the copying, modification, transmission, distribution and publication thereof, unless restricted by applicable law. You represent and warrant that such information or material you submit does not infringe the rights of any other third party.
13.4. You agree that letsbloom shall not be under any obligation of confidentiality to you regarding any such information or material submitted to it using the letsbloom Platform and/or our social media accounts unless otherwise agreed in a separate direct contract between you and letsbloom or required by law.
14. Confidentiality
The customer consents to the communication and disclosure by letsbloom of any information in respect of or relating to: (i) you; (ii) these Terms; or (iii) your use of the letsbloom Platform, to: (a) Standard Chartered Bank Group companies; (b) any service providers or professional advisors to a Standard Chartered Bank Group company; (c) any rating agency, insurer or insurance broker, or direct or indirect provider or credit protection; or (d) as required by applicable laws, any regulatory, statutory or governmental or quasi-governmental authority, court or tribunal.
15. Email Subscription Service
letsbloom may at its discretion, provide a service whereby customer can request to subscribe to and receive e-mail alerts relating to products, services or information offered by letsbloom or other third parties (“Subscription Service(s)”). Your use of the Subscription Services will be governed by the separate terms and conditions for use of those services. Your confirmation of subscription to the Subscription Services constitutes acceptance of their terms and conditions of use. letsbloom does not guarantee that any e-mails from the site will be sent to you or received by letsbloom nor does letsbloom warrant the privacy and/or security of e-mails during internet transmission.
16. Limitation of Liability
16.1. letsbloom accepts no liability for any loss or damage (including special, incidental or consequential loss or damage) arising directly or indirectly from your use of the letsbloom Platform, howsoever arising from, but not limited to:
16.1.1. any defect, error, imperfection, fault, mistake or inaccuracy with the letsbloom Platform, its contents (including content from third party providers), associated services, or due to any unavailability of the letsbloom Platform or any local site or any part thereof or any contents or associated services;
16.1.2. action taken, or not taken in reliance on material, content or information contained on the letsbloom Platform; and
16.1.3. any computer viruses, Trojan horses, worms, software bombs or similar items. You click on any hyperlinks, deploy any apps or download any software or data at your own risk.
16.2. You shall indemnify letsbloom and Standard Chartered Bank against any losses, costs, damages, expenses, demands and claims which result from:
16.2.2. any breach of these Terms and Conditions by you;
16.2.3. your use of the letsbloom Platform otherwise than strictly in accordance with these Terms and Conditions;
16.2.4. any claims by third parties (including but not limited to claims by any of your or your employer’s customers) arising out of or relating to the use of, or inability to use, the letsbloom Platform, any content provided under or through the letsbloom Platform;
16.2.5. any third party claim in connection with your use of, including any data you disclose to, the letsbloom Platform, and including any claim for intellectual property infringement; and
16.2.6. any claims or regulatory investigations arising out of or relating to your breach of these Terms and Conditions.
16.3. You acknowledge and accept the following risks if you access and use the letsbloom Platform:
16.3.1. risks if your login credentials are stolen and misused in a way which results in the disclosure of your letsbloom account data or other malicious operation of your letsbloom account; and
16.3.2. risks that your communications with letsbloom may be delayed, not received, intercepted, monitored, amended or otherwise interfered with by third parties, and the confidentiality of such communications may be compromised.
16.4. letsbloom will not be liable for any delay or failure to perform any obligation under these Terms and Conditions where the delay or failure results from any cause beyond our reasonable control, including acts of God, labour disputes or other industrial disturbances, electrical or power outages, utilities or other telecommunications failures, earthquake, storms or other elements of nature, epidemics, blockages, embargoes, riots, acts or orders of government, acts of terrorism, or war.
16.5. You must notify letsbloom within three (3) months of becoming aware of the material facts of any claim you have against letsbloom, failing which, you waive all such rights to claim
17. Governing Law
These Terms and Conditions shall be governed by and construed according to Singapore laws. Any dispute, controversy or claim arising out of or in connection with these Terms and Conditions shall be subject to the non-exclusive jurisdiction of the Singapore courts.
18. Jurisdiction
The letsbloom platform is easily accessible throughout the world, except in certain countries that are subject to international economic sanctions. letsbloom is committed to comply with those sanctions. As such, letsbloom does not allow its platform to be accessed directly or indirectly in Cuba, Iran, North Korea, Syria, Crimea and Sevastopol.
19. Contact Us
Should you wish to contact us for disclosing any fact pursuant to these terms and conditions, or wish to communicate with letsbloom, please write to us at: support@letsbloom.io.
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